Ku-band Lnb SMW
SMW Ku LNB 10.70-12.75 GHz WDL ULP Dual & Quattro
SMW Wide band Ku band Lnb
• External or Internal reference models
The Swedish Microwave Ku-Band LNB is based on a well proven technology platform. The product is designed to support reception of the full Ku-Band 10.70-12.75 GHz with one LO.
It comes with Ultra Low Phase Noise as standard to meet the requirements for reception of DVB-
S2X (professional profiles), N3, and N4 signals.
Can be ordered as a Single polarisation LNB or as a Quattro LNB for both Horizontal and Vertical
polarization, including OMT and weather protection case.
Ultra Low Phase Noise (ULP) is recommended* for:
DVB-S2: – Narrowband 8PSK 8/9 and 9/10 FEC- 16 APSK or higher modulation type (any bandwidth)-
All applications with “Pilot Off”
DVB-S2X: All “MODCODS” and symbol rates
NS3/NS4: All “MODCODS” and symbol rates
Download specification sheet
Ku_LNB_10.70-12.75 GHz_WDL_drw_rev2401