Ku-band Lnb SMW

SMW Ku LNB 10.70-12.75 GHz WDL ULP Dual & Quattro
SMW Wide band Ku band Lnb

• External or Internal reference models

The Swedish Microwave Ku-Band LNB is based on a well proven technology platform. The product is designed to support reception of the full Ku-Band 10.70-12.75 GHz with one LO.
It comes with Ultra Low Phase Noise as standard to meet the requirements for reception of DVB-
S2X (professional profiles), N3, and N4 signals.

Can be ordered as a Single polarisation LNB or as a Quattro LNB for both Horizontal and Vertical
polarization, including OMT and weather protection case.

Ultra Low Phase Noise (ULP) is recommended* for:
DVB-S2: – Narrowband 8PSK 8/9 and 9/10 FEC- 16 APSK or higher modulation type (any bandwidth)-
All applications with “Pilot Off”
DVB-S2X: All “MODCODS” and symbol rates
NS3/NS4: All “MODCODS” and symbol rates

Download specification sheet
Ku_LNB_10.70-12.75 GHz_WDL_drw_rev2401

S-Band LNA

Frequency: 2200 ~ 2700

Download Specification Sheet
S-band-XMW LNA LA2070N-5015-N_V1.0_2407-1

S-Band LNB with Feed-horn

* Customized PLL Super Strong Signal Special S-Band LNB/Lnbf for Project with Low Noise.
* S-band Lnb Frequency range: 2.2 to 2.9 GHz (can select).
* S-band-feedhorn Frequency range: 2.2 to 3 GHz.
* Choose Frequncy: 2.3-2.7/2.2-2.7/2.5-2.9/2.3-2.9 MHz.
* LO: 3650/3750/3850/3950Mhz


Download S-band feed-horn Specification



Technical Specification

C-Band Gardiner

Gardiner C-Band Lnb

17K Gardiner c-Band Lnb

C-Band Lnb Norsat


Norsat 8520R C-band DRO LNB

Input Frequency 3.7-4.2 GHz
Noise Temperature 20° K
Stability ±500 kHz LO
Type F Connector (Type N available as an option)

Made in Korea

Ti 5G-Filter-Lnb

Gardiner 5G Filter LNB C-Band

The Gardiner C-Band TI and 5G Filter LNBF is a high-quality low-loss broadband filter that is a great way to stop any interference and protect your wireless connection. This filter can be used with a wireless router or a cordless phone. It has a high-density polyethylene coating that is both water-resistant and impact-resistant, making it durable and reliable.

Technical Specifications:
Input : 3.7-4.2 GHz
LO Freq. : 5.150 GHz
Stability : +/-250KHz
Gain : 62dB (Type)
Temp : 15K
DC Input : +13V to +24V

5G C-band extended Lnb

Extended C-Band 5G Filter LNB

Input Freq. (GHZ) – 4.5~4.8 GHz

Output Freq. (MHz) – 1150-1450 MHz

L.O. Freq. & Stability – 5.950 GHz+/- 500KHz

Noise Temp. (@+25C) – 30K Max

Input VSWR – 2.5:1 Max

Image Rejection – 45 dBc min.

Conversion Gain – 65dB typ. 55dB min. 70dB max.

Output VSWR – 2.5: 1 max.

Gain flatness – 4 dBp-p max.

Gain ripple – +/- 0.5 dB max.

1dB gain compression point – +5 dBm min.

Output impedance – 75ohms

Leakage {@input port) – -45dBm max.

Phase Noise – -65dBc/Hz @ 1KHz Offset

-80dBc/Hz @ 10KHz Offset
-95dBc/Hz @ 100KHz Offset
Power Supply – 012 to +24V DC

Required Current – 150 mA max.

Operating temperature – -40’C to +60’C

Storage temperature – -40’C to +80’C C33

Relative Humidity – 0% to 95% RH

Input waveguide flange – WR-229

If output connector – – F-Type female

Weight – 575g

Tested in :

Tested LNB on Bangabandhu1 Satellite for Extended C-Band Signals.

Quattro Lnb

Quattro Ku Band Lnb



Input Frequency Range:
10.70 – 12.750 GHz

Output Frequency Range:
950-2150 MHz

Number of out 4 – VL, VH, HL, HH

LO Frequency 9.75/10.60 GHz
Feed Diameter – 40mm
Noise Figure – 0.1dB
Operation Temperature: -30C UP TO 70C

The Quattro LNB provides four outputs, each with a single band/polarization specific to that output.
The band/polarization available at each output is fixed at the time of manufacture. It is not possible to switch the band/polarization with a tone or switching voltage.
A Quattro LNB is normally used to feed a large distribution system. A single dish with a Quattro LNB fitted and a multi-switch (or IRS) is able to feed anything between 4 and 100 locations.
The multiswitch (or IRS) is able to provide any of the input signals at each output, depending on a tone/voltage sent up the cable by the receiver at each location. It’s as though the receiver at each location has it’s own dedicated LNB.
The outputs on a multi-switch (or IRS) are able to be controlled with a 22Hz tone and switching voltages in the same way that the outputs from normal universal LNB can be, i.e. to change band and polarisation.
The satellite receivers in each of the locations behave as though they are connected to their own dedicated dish and LNB, but in reality are just connected to a multi-switch (or IRS) output.
Quattro LNBs are considered to have a better life than quad LNBs as they are not being continually switched.

C-Band Lnb

C-BAND Dual Pol LNBF with Filter

Single Output with Dual Polarity

Technical Specifications :

Input Frequency : 3.7 – 4.2GHz

L.O. Frequency : 5.150GHz

Output Frequency : 950 – 1450MHz

13/18V Voltage Switching.

Gain – 70dB (min.)

Noise : 12°K