MAX SX8 DVB-S/S2/S2X PCIe tuner Card

The Digital Devices MAX SX8 is a tuner card with 8 HDTV tuners on a single card with a PCIe connector.
The high density of the design and the choice to select the operating mode, as well as Unicable®1 and JESS®2 support and only 7 watt power consumption, make the card ideal and flexible for DVB-S/S2/S2X applications.

DVB-S/S2/S2X tuner
4 satellite-inputs
up to 8 multi-standard demodulators

S2X Features
Short Frames
Long Frames
ACM (Adaptive Coding and Modulation)
VCM (Variable Coding and Modulation)
MIS (Multiple Input Streams)
Annex M
Channel Bonding (S2X)
Maximum baud rate of 500 Mbit/s
up to 2 slices
Maximum DVB-S2/S2X LDPC-baud rate for all 8 tuners: 720 Mbit/s.

Symbol Rates QPSK:~954 MSym
8PSK/8APSK:864 MSym
16APSK:64.54 MSym
32APSK:51.64 MSym
64APSK:434 MSym
128APSK:36.854 MSym
256APSK:32.254 MSym
Annex M:500MSym

4 Maximum DVB-S2/S2X LDPC bitrate is limited to 720 Mbit/s. This bitrate is defined as symbol rate * bits/symbol, i.e. 8PSK 30 Msymbols = 90 Mbit/s. The used bitrate is dynamically allocated by the driver. DVB-S channels don’t contribute to the limit.

Sensitivity (@25MSym):QPSK
11/45:-89 dBm (20 dBµV)
QPSK 1/2:-86 dBm (23 dBµV)
8PSK 9/10:-77 dBm (32 dBµV)256APSK
3/4:-69 dBm (40 dBµV)

Additional Features
Strong signal immunity: > 106 dbµV (-6 dBm)
Isolation: 65 dB – 80 dB depending on signal strength

DiSEeqC 2.0 Support

Unicable® SCR/Cenelec EN50494
Supports up to 8 tuners with just one antenna cable using Unicable®/SCR/CENELEC EN50494 compliant LNB or multi switch.

Data sheet_MaxSX8_Final_vers6_2021
Max SX8 Pro (48) – 8 Tuner TV Card – DVB-S2DVB-S2X Full Spectrum

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